
As for me and my blog, we will serve the Lord.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Son's Band

~Photos Courtesy of 323 Photography by Jen Peterson~
We were thrilled to attend the Debut Concert of Last Ones First, at RiverOaks Church. There was no admission charge, but tshirts and CDs were sold and donations were accepted for Mark and Tory's upcoming mission trip to Nicaragua. The music was wonderful, and Conner did a fantastic job with keys, percussion, and many vocal contributions. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

District Music Contest

This is Conner's first year to be in a school choir, so this was great experience for him, to compete at districts. He is also currently taking guitar lessons. He plays keyboard for the youth band at church. He also plays keyboard/percussion and sings background vocals in his dad's band, "Last Ones First."